Semi-Auto Contactless
Wafer Mounter Model LH832
- Air Bubbles Free Mounting
- Minimal Contact with Wafer
- Vacuum Mount, No Roller
- 3" to 8" Wafer Capability
- UV Tape Capability
- High Accuracy in X-Y & Theta Rotation
Vacuum Mounting -- This advanced method gives you the following benefits:
- Wafer/tape is mounted inside a vacuum chamber. Nothing touches wafer except tape and edge support.
- No roller required. No more difficult alignment of roller/wafer parallelism, roller cleaning, and no pressure variation on wafer due to different thickness.
- Absolutely no air bubble and better adhesion.
- Tape tension is controlled and programmable.
- Quick change wafer chuck.
Fully Auto Wafer
Mounter LH860
- Air Bubbles Free Mounting
- Minimal Contact with Wafer
- Vacuum Mount, No Roller
- 3" to 8" Wafer Capability
- UV Tape Capability
- High Accuracy in X-Y & Theta Rotation
Aditional Features
- Manual Mode Operation: An additional set of switches and monitor is available for manual load mounting operation.
- Partial Wafer Mounting: Partial wafer mounting can be done by manually loading wafer into mounting chamber with the help of spaces supporting the broken edges. No reprogramming or parameter setting is required.
- Wafer Thickness: Wafer chuck is designed in such a way that it can handle thickness of 4 mil to 50 mil without any conversion or adjustment.
- Wafer Orientation: Robot arm can be programmed such that wafer is placed at 0, 90, 180, or 270 degrees with reference to frame.
- UV Tape Capability: Machine includes a liner tape rewind assembly to handle UV tape.
- ESD Protection: Two ionizers are positioned beneath the adhesive tape and above the mounting chamber to remove any static charge generated.
- Vacuum Supply: Integrated vacuum pump is standard on machine. No need for the vacuum facilities.
- Machine Safety: Doors are interlocked with EMO.
- Wafer/Frame ID System (Optional): An optical character recognition system for wafer and bar code reader for frame are available per custom specification.
Automatic 300mm Wafer
Mounter Model LH8600
Model LH8600 Automatic 300mm Wafer Mounter from Longhill Industries Ltd., another example of the Longhill unique roller-LESS vacuum mounting and laminating systems. The wafer and the dicing tape are brought together in a vacuum chamber without the need for troublesome rollers. The sophisticated vacuum process is fully computer controlled and very gentle with wafers. During the mounting process there is contact at the wafer face only around the SEMI Specified non active edge area, absolutely safe for bumped wafers. Wafer adhesion and resultantly die adhesion is excellent and improves shortly after mounting due to a reduced atmosphere captured between the wafer and the dicing tape.
Available options: LH8600-XT configured for extra thin wafers, FOUP or coin stack wafer box input, film frame cassette output, UV irradiator for back grind tape release, De-Taper for back grind tape removal post mounting, Wafer code reader/bar code printer with bar code applicator.
Semi-Automatic 300mm Wafer
Mounter Model LH8320
Model LH8320 Wafer / Substrate Mounter for Dicing Tape from Longhill Industries, Ltd., utilizing the unique and proven Longhill vacuum mounting process, no troublesome rollers to clean and adjust, the tape and wafer are brought together inside a vacuum chamber. Easy change with options to alternate wafer and film frames sizes. Pieces of wafer can be mounted with ease.
Film frames and wafers are operator loaded. The system automatically mounts the wafer and excises the film frame from the tape. Operator unloads finished product.
Typically there is contact with the face of the wafer only along the SEMI Specified non-active wafer edge. Non-contact roller-LESS mounting is especially advantageous when mounting wafers with bumps, 3D surface features or sensitive surface elements.
300mm Wafer Code Reader/Bar Code
Printer & Applicator Model LH8900
Model LH8900 from Longhill Industries Ltd. Stand alone system to read wafer codes/print-apply bar code labels. Programmable wafer code reader camera position and label application position. Labels can be applied to the film frame, dicing tape alongside the wafer or on the wafer itself. Mounted wafer Input from film frame cassette carrier. Convertible to 200mm wafer using the same 300mm wafer film frame or 200mm film frame.